Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscars 2009

I have posted about my top 6 Oscar picks over on my other blog. I'm looking forward to watching the show, but I am avoiding the pre-Oscar orgyfest of fashion chat. Honestly, the economy is in the toilet, and the last thing I want to hear about is which overpriced designer made Angelina Jolie's dress. These people represent such a small percentage of Americans who can actually afford to waste money on a new ball gown every year. I am lucky enough to have a single ball gown that I have worn three times in my life. It is timeless and gorgeous. I would never replace it. And I can guarantee you that it cost a small fraction of what the dresses on the red carpet cost. I know, I know-- some of them are just "borrowing" the dresses. But you have to be of a certain class of people to get away with "borrowing" a dress from a superfamous designer. And the dresses are borrowed so as to gain publicity for the designers... but who can afford their clothing right now?

It's not like I love looking at the pre-show fashionfest any other time, but now that we're in such an economic sinkhole, I like it even less. I just felt the need to ramble about that a little bit. I will be honest, though; I do love me some fashion disasters. Let's hear it for another Bjork appearance, please?

For a play-by-play of what I was thinking while watching the Oscars, I kinda improvised my own live blogging at my other blog. Check it out.

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